Thursday, June 12, 2008

Words to Live By

I've never been much of a "quotes to live by" kind of girl. There's never been anything inspirational I've heard and wanted to repeat in times of adversity, to be known for saying. The other day, riding up the escalator in Secaucus Junction, that changed, when I saw this on the back of someone's shirt:

Success is never found.
Failure is never fatal.
Courage is the only thing.
-Winston Churchill

I love this. It encapsulates everything I believe and everything I want to be. I want to paint it on the walls of my room. I want to think of it anytime something feels too hard. I want to tell it to my friends and have it comfort them. I want to repeat it over and over and over. I want my kids to be sick of hearing me say it, to the point where they make fun of me for saying it, until one day they realize that it is true and that I am right (and I know they will just HATE that, as I do when I realize my mother is right). And after I am gone, I want my kids to tell their kids "Remember what your grandma always said..."

Life can be rough. I am almost never sure I am making the right decisions. I am almost always upset when I don't know something before I am taught it. I cry when I fail. I don't try because I'm afraid to fail. And I don't want to be like that. I want to be like Churchill. I hope I can learn how. I'm doing a little bit every day.

For those of you who have come here expecting more silliness and blathering, I give you the video  below.  I had this song stuck in my head the other day and whilst searching for different versions online to listen to, I came across this little gem of a movie moment, this once in a lifetime performance, that I had forgotten even existed.

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