Wednesday, June 23, 2010

A Short Play About Why We Are Getting Married

SCENE: Bedroom, morning, Karen is getting dressed in lightweight olive-colored shorts and a brown t-shirt. Kris enters. Kika the cat sits awaiting attention and/or food.

Karen: I feel like these are my army fatigues. I wear this outfit whenever I have to battle the heat.
Kris: (pauses, then scoops up Kika in his arms) This is my weapon against the heat.

Karen makes a confused face. Kris comes over and uses one of Kika's paws to poke her.

Karen: I'm not the heat.
Kris: Yeah, but you're hot.
Karen: *eyeroll*


1 comment:

Intrigued.shesays said...

Aww! Your cat and your man sound absolutely adorable.

Until then.